Heya adventurers! How are y’all loving Laby’s 3rd Path? Are you loving Nisha as much as we do? Isn’t she the coolest? And for the guilds who already have the new skin, are you loving your new cat haven? Because we totally do! Well, this week we’re just gonna let you finish completing your quests so you can get all the awesome rewards last week’s events have to offer! But that doesn’t mean we don’t have anything! This coming weekend, we have another surprise waiting for you. If you want know that is, you’ll just have to login on the weekend to find out! And as always, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall tomorrow to get your hands on new stuff!
Item Mall Goodies
People will be waiting for your special deliveries everyday and don’t you worry about angry dogs trying to scare you off their porches – they’ll be fawning when they see you! Get the Love Messenger Costume when it comes out tomorrow!
That’s all for now, folks~
See y’all in-game!