Hey adventurers, we know you’ve been loving the Reboot events and rewards but we’re not done yet, oh no, far from it! Because it’s time to get ready for Round 3 of Pre-Event Reboots with Aisha, Raven, Add, and Laby!

But before you jump into it, we just want to remind you to Pre-register for the New Region! There’s plenty of awesome rewards which will be sent to you when the dungeon opens – you don’t even have to wait THAT long! We really love filling your inventories with useful items~

And speaking of items, don’t forget to check out the new stuff we have at the Item Mall this week! We know, you’ll love ‘em!

Character Reboot Pre-Event

Take a break from last week’s busy schedule with this super easy pre-event! You already know how it is coz most of you have done it twice! But for those who don’t know, here are the nitty-gritties:

  • Get 20 [Luriel] Sage’s Magic Stones when you’ve cleared dungeons within your level 3x a day at max!
  • Make that a total of 10 dungeon runs (super easy) within your level for the whole week and you just nabbed yourself 2 [Luriel] Phoru’s Foot Stamp (Gold) barely breaking a sweat!
  • Remember! Your one-time log-in on 08/10 for 60 minutes will guarantee you 1 [Luriel] Elrianode Armor Only Magic Amulet Lvl 9 which unlocks the 2nd Transformation El Tear Slot! How awesome is that? It’s really simple too!

Item Mall Goodies

Elsword and the gang are all dressed up and ready to sport these new beach perfect accessories! You can pair them with old and new summer costumes to give your look a HOT update!

Bubbling Awakening:


Duck Tube:

Here comes Laby with even more Ice Burner set goodness! Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies when they find out Laby’s not on their side! Complete the Ignition Caligo and Evil Tracer 3 Ice Burner Sets when they come out!

Elrios Livestream Service Schedule


Are you ready for the E.L.S Livestream Schedule for this week? Our E.L.S Streamers are diving into seeing the impact the 2nd Wave of Character Reboot had on the land of Elrios!

Don’t Miss it our Streamers show off the latest content with Fiery Plays, Giveaways and more!

Lumenescense | Monday August 5th | 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM ET

SenAkari | Tuesday August 6th | 3:30 PM PT / 6:30 PM ET

RoughHouse | Thursday August 8th | 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET

MeteorFalcon | Thursday August 8th | 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET

Heckton | Friday August 9th | 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

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