Heya adventurers! We’ve got plenty of exciting events lined up for y’all this week so buckle up and get ready for an awesome ride!

First up, we have everyone’s most awaited Harmony Festival! We all know you’re excited for all the rewards you’re about to get! And we are too!

Next up, the El Search Party have finally become world-renowned stars! A new venue opens up where the El Gang can do fansigns in peace – or can they? Find out! And lastly, don’t forget to check out all the wonderful new stuff at the Item Mall!

Harmony Festival 2019

Enjoy free food, buffs and boosts, and TONS of rewards! Everyone’s favorite Harmony Festival is filled with fun and freebies!

  • Harmony Festival Pies are totally free! Ask Ariel for some!
  • Your 30 min login will get you a special festival title called Gentle Peace Lover!
  • And enjoy a different buff every week when you hang out at the Harmony Festival space! This week’s buff is a 10% increase on Physical/Magical Damage in Dungeons and Fields!
  • Doing quests daily will nab you 1 Harmony Festival Coin and 5 on a weekly basis! Exchange these coins for very special rewards including a Harmony Festival Costume Suit Set!

ElStar Fan Signing Event

The ElStar have finally become world famous with clamoring fans around them wanting to get an autograph! But like any famous group, they have paparazzi’s watching their every move!

  • Get one FREE entrance on the Fan Signing dungeon daily!
  • And when you login for 10 accumulative minutes, you’ll get 2 [Cobo] Elstar Signing Event Tickets so you can still fight paparazzi pests when your free entry runs out!
  • Once you’ve collected enough ELSTAR’s Autographs, exchange them for even more epic goodies via Ariel!
  • We know fighting paparazzi’s is extremely taxing so when you’ve cleared the dungeon, just once, you’ll receive a bunch of Sweet Caramel Macchiato to keep your energy levels high!

Item Mall Goodies

They’re here! The stars have arrived and they’re coming down from their vans to greet the fans! This is the ultimate red-carpet entrance! Get the Super Star Red Carpet custom motion today!

No self-respecting famous individual would even dare go anywhere without a bodyguard! Drive those paparazzi’s away with a new Pet: Kay!

It’s hamster time! This cute accessory will make anyone squeal with joy! The Hamster Accessory Set will add to your cuteness!

Laby’s looking extra dignified and ready to put enemies on their guard! Dress her up in her new Lord Chesterfield Costume Suit!

Heart eyes! Instead of seeing stars, Ain and Laby are seeing hearts with their new Customization: Heart Eyes! Get it when it comes out!

E.L.S – Elrios Livestream Service

There’s something about the Harmony Festival that brings everyone together and that includes our E.L.S Streamers who’s ready to hold some “friendly” PvP bouts in Arena, have fun at the Harmony Festival and hold Giveaways to continue the celebration of the festival!

SilverShimo | Wednesday 2nd October |3:00 PM PT / 6:00 PM ET

RoughHouse | Thursday 3rd October | 3:00 PM PT / 6:00 PM ET

MeteorFalcon | Thursday 3rd October | 5 :00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET

Lumenescense | Thursday 3rd October | 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM ET

Heckton | Friday 4th October | 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET

Recalescent | Saturday 5th October | 2:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM ET

SenAkari | Sunday 6th October | 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM PT

KidPilzbery | Sunday 6th October | 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM ET

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

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