Heya adventurers! While it may be a bit of a chill week, you can continue to do and finish up your Master Class tasks so you can get ALL the rewards before it ends! But while doing your Master Class quests and collecting your rewards, don’t forget to visit the Item Mall to check out all the exciting stuff we have for you this week!
Item Mall Goodies
Ain is a doll made in heaven by the Goddess Ishmael to bring us joy and bring the baddies to complete and utter ruin! Teehee! Dress him up in his very own Stuffed Toy outfit when it comes out!
Laby gets two new sets of IB! She’s slowly catching up in the Ice Burner department with her very own Ice Burner Perkisas and Ice Burner Masquerade Sets! Complete the pieces when they come out!
That’s all for now, folks~
See y’all in-game!