Heya adventurers! It’s Eve & Add’s turn to become stronger! Let the Queen of Nasods and the Manipulator of Time & Space show you how to slay big baddies with their new skills!

Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss all the epic rewards that are waiting for you! And as always, don’t forget to take a peek at the Item Mall to see all the wonderful goodies we have for you this week!

Adrian Master Dungeon Events

Meet their maker! And by that we mean, let Nasod Queen Eve and the Mad Genius Add meet the Maker, himself! Plus, if you can beat his best Nasods you reap wonderful rewards!

  • If you’re still not ready to take on Herbaon and Durenda, fret not! Just login for a good 20 minutes and you’ll get the [Cobo] Target Lock-On (14 Days) Title and Nasod Controller.
  • But the brave heroes will get an extra 50 [Cobo] Nasod Aura Potions when they spar with Herbaon and Durenda!

Forward Jumping Event Wave 3

The Final Forward Jumping Event will be commencing this week! Don’t miss your last chance to create a new and epic character and have them get all the boosts and rewards they can get their hands on!

Support for New Power 3

We won’t let you go without getting these wonderful rewards! And all you have to do are the following:

  • Clear dungeons within your level once to get 30 [Luriel] Refined Recovery Potion and 1 [Cobo] Mark of New Power – Third Piece.
  • To get even more epic items like 5 [Cobo] Fighter Potions and 1 [Cobo] Mark of New Power – Third Piece, you’ll need to clear 3 dungeons within your level range! Very easy!

Item Mall Goodies

With Spring around the corner birds are gonna be chirping real soon! Get ready to welcome cute little birbs with this new adorable costume set! Get Dear Little Bird Costume Set when it comes out!

Add hacks the system and gets his very own stuffed toy costume! Get the Add: Stuffed Toy now so he can show off!

That’s all for now folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

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