Hey adventurers! It’s time for a chilled and relaxing kind of week and we know you love it! There’s more time to finish your Master Class tasks so you’re sure to get every single reward!
But wait – what’s that I see? Something green is rising above the horizon! It’s St. Patrick’s Day! We have a fun and extremely easy event where you’ll have a chance to win K-Ching! Read on to find out how.
And as always, check out the Item Mall for all the awesome new things we have in store for you!

St. Patrick’s Day Event

If you’re feeling extra creative and extra lucky, this is the event for you! Show off your creativity by taking the best screenie of your character wearing green!
And it’ll all begin on St. Patrick’s Day so keep an eye on our website for more information!

Item Mall Goodies

Watch out the demon duo is coming to get you – get you with their adorable, doll-like transformation! But don’t be fooled, they can still slice and dice their foes in half! Get the Luciel: Stuffed Toy when it comes out!

Laby makes the good knight… the Great Knight! She’s still in training but that doesn’t mean she can’t throw major punches with the rest of ‘em! Get Laby prepared for the knight life with her new Ice Burner set Velder Academy Knight!

That’s all for now folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Achieve the Pinnacle of Power!

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