Heya adventurers! We’re giving you more time to concentrate on defeating Berthe! So, for this week, we’re all about making you fashionable with all the fun, new stuff we have for you at the Item Mall! But that doesn’t mean you won’t get any freebies! Oh no, no, no! Look forward to the weekend and and enjoy powerful +11 Weapon Enhancement Buffs with 2X EXP or Drop Rate (depending on the day) alongside another special surprise!

Item Mall Goodies

See with crystal clear eyes and have a stare-down with foes to intimidate them! These mesmerizing Lapis Eyes will turn heads when it comes!

Rose is feeling light as a feather with her new costume set! She’s ready to take down enemies without all that bulk bogging her down! Get the Dark Feather and Shining Feather sets when it comes out!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

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