Heya adventurers! Your exciting summer in Elsword has already begun! Jam-packed with epic events and even more epic freebies, make sure you join the events to make the most of your hot Elsword summer! And as always don’t forget to check out the cool new things we have at the Item Mall!


Pre-Registration Event

Elsword is branching out! His 4th path is just around the corner, and we want you to be ready for it! If you haven’t yet, go and pre-register to receive exclusive pre-registration rewards such as costumes, accessories, and consumables!


Summer Jumping Event

We know you’ve already started jumping, so carry on and keep leveling those event characters! If you haven’t heard yet, this is your chance to make a new character (*wink*newelswordfor4thpath*wink*) and level them up lightning fast while getting awesome rewards like: [Ariel] +10 Apocalypse Type-Void Weapon Cube, [Ariel] +9 Elrianode Armor Cube, Dimension Master Accessories, [Cobo] Eligos Full Costume Set (30 Days) Cube, and MORE!



Item Mall Goodies

Noah has been fully welcomed into the Henir Order with his very own Henir Fanatic Outfit! Get ready to spread the word of the Void master to the whole of Elrios! Get this costume suit when it comes out soon!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

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