Heya adventurers! How are you fairing with the Treasure Hunt and Plus Alpha events? Have you gotten all the Sanctus Seraphim parts you need? What about the event exclusive White Mass IB? Well, keep on doing it, you still have a week left! This week is gonna be another chill week before we bombard you again with exciting events! So, for now, why don’t take a gander at the Item Mall and check out all the fun, new items we have this week!
Item Mall Goodies
Can’t go out to the beach? There’s no need to! We’re taking the resorts to your guild with the Summer Beach Guild Contract! Now, you can’t have a beach all-day every day!
Noah harnesses dark powers and becomes the ruler of the underworld with his new Ice Burner Thanatos! Complete this dark set when it comes out!
That’s all for now, folks~
See y’all in-game!