Heya adventurer! How are y’all enjoying this year’s Harmony Festival? If you don’t know yet, just login now, wait a few minutes, and you already get rewarded just by hanging out in the game! That’s super awesome! But if you want more rewards, we got super simple quests for that! So, better get on it and start hauling freebies and rewards! And as always, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall for wonderful goodies!


Item Mall Goodies

The best thing about Noah’s newest costume set? It’s cozy and casual! Enough to keep Noah warm when he’s out fighting or just strolling around Elrios! Get Noah’s Autumn Travels Costume Set when it comes out!



That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

[Featured] The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

Heya adventurers! After all the housing excitement next week, it’s time to take a quick breather! That doesn’t mean we won’t have anything for this week, though! Oh quite the contrary, this week is still just as exciting as the last just more laid back! Apart from that, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall for the newest cutie!

Be Blessed and Relaxed with New Laby Goodies!

[Featured] Be Blessed and Relaxed with New Laby Goodies!

Heya adventurers! What an amazing Anniversary celebration that was! We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for celebrating with us as we turned 9! Without you guys, we wouldn’t have gotten this far! Now that the festivities are done, it’s time for a completely chill week before we surprise you again with something awesome!