Heya adventurers! Have you already tested out Raven’s 4th Path? If you haven’t yet, then you definitely should! Discover Raven’s story toward this new path and experience his amazing gameplay! And while you’re doing that, you’ll also be doing quests and getting your hands on some awesome rewards! This week – because we want you to thoroughly experience Raven – will be pretty chill so you’ll have all this time to test him out and familiarize yourselves with his new path! As always though, don’t forget to check out the new things we have at the Item Mall for this week!


Item Mall Goodies

Ready to add class and pizzaz to your space? The DIY El House Penthouse will turn your drab and simple dwelling into a space worthy of inviting guests all day every day! So, start redecorating now!


This week’s DIY El House Update will also let your pets run loose (or at least in their designated space) and play! They’ll get an increase in affinity while they’re out and about too!


NEW Pet Play Mat


That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in game!

The Archives

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