Heya adventurers! It’s going to be another exciting week as we get to finally meet Ara’s newest path! Join Ara as she unlocks the path of light to guide not only humans but also the holy beasts that lent her power. As usual we’ve got TONS of events lined up which also means you should get your inventories ready for all the rewards you’re about to receive! And as always, don’t forget that we have fun, new things at the Item Mall for you to enjoy this week!


Ara 4th Path Events

Ara’s 4th path is paved with light and hope! The journey to become powerful and enlightened is filled with rewards!

  • A new path coming means you get a new character slot! Get a free [Cobo] Character Slot Expansion Card (1 Space) just by logging in for 30 minutes!
  • Clearing dungeons at least twice a day will reward players with [Cobo] Mark of Benevolence – Ara! Use these to exchange epic rewards through Ariel! Rewards include: [Luriel] Inventory Expansion Slots, [Luriel] Figher Potions, [Luriel] Sage’s Magic Stones, and so much more!
  • Complete a Chain quest to get rewards such as: [Ariel] Milky Way Party Accessories, [Ariel] El Tree Seeds, [Ariel] Sinister Intent Entrance Tickets, and MORE!



Weekend Special

This weekend only! When you login for 30 accumulative minutes you’re guaranteed to get a [Luriel] Magic Wardrobe Ticket (Costume Suit) (2nd)! Don’t miss it!



Item Mall Goodies

Spring is starting to sprout and so is romance! Dress up in the Pit-a-Pat Romance Costume Set and feel your heart flutter in excitement!


Noah can finally fly like a butterfly, but hit like a really strong, buff butterfly with a really dainty and posh exterior! Don’t underestimate this butterfly and collect his set when the Mariposa Requiem Ice Burner comes out!


That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

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