Heya adventurers! Hold on to your mounts because this is going to be a truly jam-packed week! We’ve got another Summer Community Event this week, so check our website for more info! It’s quite the puzzling event too if we do say so ourselves. We’ll also be releasing the much-awaited Market Board Revamp! We’re trying out a few things to avoid market abuses which we would like you to experience and give your feedbacks on! And as always, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall because we’ve got plenty of fun things in store this week!



Market Board Revamp Event

Try out the newest Market Board update and you’ll get rewarded handsomely! The best part? You only have to do this chain quest weekly!

  • Simply talking to the board will give you 1 [Cobo] Market Premium Ticket which you can use to apply the Sales Fee benefits.
  • After talking to the board, all you have to do is Register or Purchase 1 item on the market! This will give you 1 Phoru’s Foot Stamp (Elite) or 1 Phoru’s Foot Stamp (Unique) respectively!



Item Mall Goodies

Woah, watch out! You almost got wounded by the Elgang’s piercing presence! Get this thorny look by completing the newest Ice Buner Apostolus! You can also complete the whole look by equipping the Apostolus Eyes as well!


Bulky armor isn’t all that great especially when you want to relax! Dress down for the summer and take a breather with the Summer Siesta Costume Suit!


Missed these awesome costume sets before? You better get a hold of them now before they disappear again! Add the Elrios Noir, ELS Beach Wear 2.0, Lord Chesterfield, and Magician to Illusion Costume Sets to your wardrobe today!


That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game

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