Hi, everyone! How are you liking the Harmony Festival? We’re almost halfway through, and I can never have enough of these Harmony Festival pies from Ariel! Now you’ve got just a little more than a day to enjoy FREE ENTRY to Elrianode, Secret Dungeon, Heroic Dungeon, and Pruinaum, so it’s time to hustle!


Starting November 9th until the 22nd, Titan’s Grotto and Plegas’s Labyrinth are ALWAYS OPEN and you get to enjoy 2X Title Count for both! Then ERP Burning + Unlimited Stamina on Saturdays, and 2X Drop Rate on Sundays for the rest of the festival. Make the most of your weekends in Elrios!


Item Mall Goodies Arriving November 9th

Will you be able to resist Noah looking the part of brainy aristocrat in Lord Academy Costumes? Check out these threads worthy of a blue-blooded gentleman and scholar.

Finally, go gliding through Elrios on a cuddly forager of sweets. Sugar Glider can be your new ally in this awesome adventure. Look for Summon Stone: Sugar Glider in the Item Mall!



That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

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