Hi, y’all! Excited for the holiday season? We are, too! So much to be grateful for, and even better, Add’s 4th Path arrives a day before Thanksgiving! Get ready because Dr. Add’s sinister side is coming through!


Add 4th Path Event

Control or be controlled! Add is about to reveal himself to the world as a healer in the name of science, but not without his unique touch of madness. Take on the path of Add’s 4th Path and gather all these goodies!

  • New path means new character slot! Get a free [Cobo] Character Slot Expansion Card (1 Space) just by logging in for 30 minutes!
  • Clearing dungeons at least twice a day will reward players with [Cobo] Mark of Control – Add! Use these to exchange epic rewards through Ariel! Rewards include: [Luriel] Inventory Expansion Slots,[Luriel] Fighter Potions, and [Luriel] Sages Magic Stones!
  • Complete the chain quest to get rewards such as: [Ariel] Milky Way Party Accessories[Ariel] El Tree Seeds[Ariel] Sinister Intent Entrance Tickets, and MORE!


Thanksgiving Event!

Of course, awesome goodies will be waiting for you this Thanksgiving weekend starting Thursday! Login and play for one hour daily from Thursday to Sunday and get your Thanksgiving Coupon! Exchange it for a Spectral Amethyst or Tenebrous Aura Select Cube, Reforge ED Fee Exemption Tickets, Sages Magic Stones, or a Magic Wardrobe Ticket (Hair). And, don’t miss out on 2X EXP and 2X Drop Rate!

Item Mall Goodies

Time to live out your strangely magical fantasy with Wonder Fairyland costumes! Try them out as soon as they arrive this Wednesday!


That’s all for now, folks!

See y’all in game~

The Archives

Let Your Eyes Do the Talking & Complete Your Masterful Look!

[Featured] Let Your Eyes Do the Talking & Complete Your Masterful Look!

Heya adventurers! It’s time for another chill week after days of events and freebies! But that doesn’t mean it’s over! Independence Day events are still happening this week until next week so you have plenty of time to get all the rewards! Don’t forget to take a gander at the Item Mall this week for a new item that’ll make your eyes pop!

The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

[Featured] The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

Heya adventurers! After all the housing excitement next week, it’s time to take a quick breather! That doesn’t mean we won’t have anything for this week, though! Oh quite the contrary, this week is still just as exciting as the last just more laid back! Apart from that, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall for the newest cutie!