Heya adventurers! Do you feel that? I feel the year is about to turn a new leaf! And soon we’ll begin another wonderful and exciting year together! So, for this week, it’s sort of chill but you have to login during New Year’s to get your special rewards! And as always, don’t forget to take a gander at the Item Mall for the awesome goodies we have this week!


New Year Event

Find out your New Year’s fortune through Elsword’s Tarot Card Event! What does the future hold regarding your Health, Wealth, and Goals? Get rewarded with goodies as you unveil your future! Stay tune to find out what rewards you’ll get!



Item Mall Goodies

Go nuts and start zooming around the whole of Elrios! Your entrance is a stunner with the Squirrel Thunder Mount!


No matter if the sun is rising or setting, Noah’s ready to manifest ultimate supremacy! Don the Dawn & Dusk Sovereign IB Sets this week!


That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Let Your Eyes Do the Talking & Complete Your Masterful Look!

[Featured] Let Your Eyes Do the Talking & Complete Your Masterful Look!

Heya adventurers! It’s time for another chill week after days of events and freebies! But that doesn’t mean it’s over! Independence Day events are still happening this week until next week so you have plenty of time to get all the rewards! Don’t forget to take a gander at the Item Mall this week for a new item that’ll make your eyes pop!

The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

[Featured] The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

Heya adventurers! After all the housing excitement next week, it’s time to take a quick breather! That doesn’t mean we won’t have anything for this week, though! Oh quite the contrary, this week is still just as exciting as the last just more laid back! Apart from that, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall for the newest cutie!