Heya adventurers! Did you enjoy all the deals and steals our Black Friday event has to offer? I hope y’all were able to maximize every opportunity during the events! This week is going to be super chill before we bombard you again with exciting events next week! And as always, don’t forget to check out what we have in-store in the Item Mall!


Item Mall Goodies

These extremely powerful Ice Burners are back! Now’s your chance to complete the Horde of Darkness, Mechanic General, or Perkisas Sets! Get your K-Ching ready this week!


That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Achieve the Pinnacle of Power!

[Featured] Achieve the Pinnacle of Power!

Heya adventurers! HERE IT IS! The GRAND FINALE of our [Mod] Force Skills Update with the final 5 characters! I know that y’all are having fun with their shiny...

Time for Another Reshuffle!

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Happy New Year Elrios!

[Featured] Happy New Year Elrios!

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