Heya adventurers! Hold on to your hats because this week is going to be extremely jam-packed! You had your chill week but now, we’re ramping things up with exciting events and a plethora of sweet rewards! Grab your partner and unleash your draconic spirit to welcome the Lunar New Year with a 2v2 tourney! Sign-up (if you haven’t yet) and you can win TONS of K-Ching plus the recognition of being one of Elrios’ strongest warriors! And as always, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall for all the wonderful things we have in-store this week!



Powerful Punch Master (PPM) & Limit Break! Powerful Punch Master (LB!PPM)

1/31/2024 – 02/27/2024 (23:59 PST)

Becoming powerful is a truly arduous journey but we’re here to reward your chosen character every step of the way! Reach a milestone, get rewards – it’s that simple!

  • Start racking up rewards through PPM at 300,000 CP until 1,500,000 CP!
  • Then immediately continue with even better rewards through LB! PPM at 1,600,00 until 3,000,000 CP!
  • Apart from getting rewards for each Combat Power milestone achieved, you’ll get additional rewards just by clearing dungeons within your level range 3 times for both PPM and LB! PPM events!
  • But that’s not all! Get a powerful boost with Weapon +11 Buff and Adaptation 20% Buff for the duration of the events! However, please remember that these effects do not stack on characters participating.


Cobo Company Attendance Event

1/31/2024 – 02/27/2024 (23:59 PST)

Your weekly logins have a chance to give you more! Just login once a week for 30 cumulative minutes and get the weekly featured cube that when opened would give you a random number of the item featured!


Class Change Event

1/31/2024 – 02/13/2024 (23:59 PST)

Waiting for your chance to change things up? It’s as easy as staying logged in to get your hands on 1 [Cobo] Class Change Select Cube for the first 30 cumulative minutes and a 1 [Cobo] Physical/Magical Mystic Stone Change Ticket for the succeeding 30 cumulative minutes!


Consumable Support Event

1/31/2024 – 02/27/2024 (23:59 PST)

Which of your characters need the most support in their journey to the top? In this event, it doesn’t matter if their level 1 or 99, just input their names in the UI and they’ll immediately receive 1 [Cobo] Budding Sprout Gift Cube that contains useful consumables they can utilize during their journeys!



Item Mall Goodies

With Lithia’s successful debut into the El Search Party, comes her full fledged debut as an ELSTAR idol! Check her out as a member of Mega Cake and get her all the bells and whistles that idol life has to offer: Custom Motions, Accessories, and more!



ELSTAR is coming back for everyone! ACE, MEGA CAKE, ALTER CROWN, and MAZE costumes, accessories, custom motions, and more have returned so that your characters can take a break from being a hero and experience the idol life for a change!


That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Achieve the Pinnacle of Power!

[Featured] Achieve the Pinnacle of Power!

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Happy New Year Elrios!

[Featured] Happy New Year Elrios!

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