Heya adventurer! Hold on to your gems because this week is going to be extremely action-packed! Get hyped for the launch of Lithia’s 2nd Path and prepare your inventories for all the bells and whistles that’s coming with it. And if you’re ready for a chance to win K-Ching, stay tuned for more details regarding Lithia 2nd Path Community Events! And as always, don’t forget to check out the wonderful things we have at the Item Mall this week.


Lithia’s Second Path Updates

Let the healing begin! Out of the goodness of her heart and also to spread good in the Goddess’ stead, Lithia’s out here curing the whole of Elrios – not for free of course!


02/28/2024 – 03/26/2024 (23:59 PDT)

  • Get ready to fulfill Lithia’s Contract! An event not only for Lithia but for the whole El Search Party! Get rewards from the chain quest every time you complete 1 quest a day! Get a special reward once the whole chain quest has been completed!

02/28/2024 – 03/12/2024 (23:59 PDT)

  • Don’t forget about Lithia the Field Medic quests! It’s a Lithia-exclusive event where she alone has to complete each quest from the chain! Each completion gives her tons of rewards too!


Magmelia Bloody Nightmare Event

02/28/2024 – 03/05/2024 (23:59 PDT)

Here’s your chance to complete Bloody Nightmare! You must first gather Magmelia Fireworks Exchange Tickets which you can get from special Magmelia Fireworks IB Package at the Item Mall. Once you have enough tickets, you can exchange them for a set number Ice Burners which can range from 1 up to 100 IBs!



Item Mall Goodies

Back for the second time to offer you two beautifully crafted attire to elevate your styles are the Shining Change and Magical Bright Sets! It’s your chance to get your hands on the Costumes, Accessories, Awakening, and Motions!



While the rest of the El Search Party will be having a second chance at Magical Bright, Lithia will also get her hands at the Heart El Magical Bright Set! This includes Motions, Accessories, and Skill Cut-Ins!


That’s all for now, folks~


See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Just Lithia and Her Casual Fits!

[Featured] Just Lithia and Her Casual Fits!

Heya adventurers! Have you been enjoying the new Serpentium update? There’s a lot of time for you to focus on your Path to Becoming Stronger, new region and...