Heya adventurers! This week, we’re ready to get you into tip top shape with Raven’s Summer Camp Event so for sure it’s going to be extremely action-packed! Also, don’t forget to cast your vote on the Lithia 4th Path Summer Art Contest Voting Event. You have a chance to win K-Ching if one of the artists you voted placed in the top 3, so check that out if you haven’t yet. And as always, don’t forget to take a gander at the Item Mall for all the fun goodies we have for this week!

Raven’s Summer Camp Event

07/17/2024 – 08/13/2024 (23:59 PDT)

You think Summer’s all about relaxation and fun and the sun? It is, but Raven’s ready to put a challenging twist to your days so you emerge stronger!

  • Raven’s Summer Camp has a total of 4 normal stages and 1 Extreme stage. Finish the chain quests in each stage to move on to another stage. If you don’t then you can’t move on. Extreme Stage will only unlock once all 4 stages have been conquered!
  • These challenges aren’t just laughs, though. Every quest you finish will get you rewards such as: [Luriel] Red Bean Sherbets, [Luriel] Sage’s Magic Stones, [Cobo] Shining Mystic Stone Cubes, and so much more!
  • Also, finishing a whole stage will get you an extra special reward. You’ll find out what it is when the event starts!
  • The Extreme quest can be done as many times as you can possibly do it! Choose 1 Special reward every time you finish it!

Item Mall Goodies

You can now live in the pinnacle of grandeur and majesty with the El House DIY: Hall of the Sun set. Invite your friends, worshippers, and even enemies so you can show off how you live in ultimate opulence!

Ain, Laby, Noah, and Lithia are getting their new threads! Enemies will wish that the odds are in their favor when you “entertain” them in the Trump Bunny Costume Set (Ain- Lithia)! And show them how fluid you are that whether you’re wearing skirts or pants the April Fool’s Maid and Butler Costume (Laby-Lithia) was made for you!

Put on your Light Denim Overalls Costume Suit because Lithia came fresh from farm! But if you want to park your yacht in the streets of Elrios, Lithia can whip out her Black Ocean or Blue Ocean Custom Motion!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

[Featured] The House Party Continues with Exciting Events!

Heya adventurers! After all the housing excitement next week, it’s time to take a quick breather! That doesn’t mean we won’t have anything for this week, though! Oh quite the contrary, this week is still just as exciting as the last just more laid back! Apart from that, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall for the newest cutie!

Be Blessed and Relaxed with New Laby Goodies!

[Featured] Be Blessed and Relaxed with New Laby Goodies!

Heya adventurers! What an amazing Anniversary celebration that was! We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for celebrating with us as we turned 9! Without you guys, we wouldn’t have gotten this far! Now that the festivities are done, it’s time for a completely chill week before we surprise you again with something awesome!

Run Through the City and Search for the Mysterious Creatures!

[Featured] Run Through the City and Search for the Mysterious Creatures!

Heya adventurers! Before anything else, we just want to remind you that if you haven’t gotten any or some of the Anniversary rewards yet, you only until the end of TODAY! Go get ‘em now ‘coz they’ll be disappearing very soon! We got a new Event Dungeon for y’all this week that will have you running all-over the city to catch a mystery creature!

It’s Our 9th Anniversary Soon! Get Ready for an EPIC Celebration!

[Featured] It’s Our 9th Anniversary Soon! Get Ready for an EPIC Celebration!

Heya adventurers! Our actual anniversary day is still a few weeks away but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate early! So, check out more information below! But this is mostly a chill week so you can still focus your time and energy on the Varnimyr and Rigomor events – plus the anniversary events with more coming as we approach our Anniversary Day!

Get Hyped! Varnimyr & Rigomor Improvements Are HERE!

[Featured] Get Hyped! Varnimyr & Rigomor Improvements Are HERE!

Heya adventurers! After the characters have gained power, it’s time for some more improvements – but this time the improvements are for Rigomor & Varnimyr! You won’t believe it until you try but we made sure it’s easier for everyone to reach end game power! Don’t take our word for it, though – go out there and run those raids and all these newly reworked dungeons! Also, login every day for the awesome Attendance Event to get rewards daily! And as always, don’t forget to check out plenty of the new stuff we have at the Item Mall!