Heya, adventurers! The 2024 Halloween Event is ending, but that don’t mean you can relax, alright? Farmer Pho needs help Delivering Hedgehogs from their farm! From 11/06/2024 to 12/03/2024 (23:59 PST), achieve the hedgehog orders to earn points to get a bunch of rewards to aid you in your adventures or spruce up your El House!

Item Mall Goodies

Time to demand attention and respect with the latest IB Set – Empire Reign, available for all but only for a limited time. Make everyone kneel before you!

It’s Lithia’s turn on the ring, and that shivering performance betrays her benign countenance. Care to share in her moment? Make sure that the cold doesn’t bother you, lest you freeze.

With such pressure from these new entries, let’s change it up, shall we? How ‘bout a new take on some familiar Skill Cut-Ins for Noah and Lithia’s 2nd Jobs? Mix up your style by grabbing these for the two’s 1st ~ 3rd Path!

We can only keep these goodies up for so long before they are gone! Grab them at the Item Mall before then!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Be Blessed and Relaxed with New Laby Goodies!

[Featured] Be Blessed and Relaxed with New Laby Goodies!

Heya adventurers! What an amazing Anniversary celebration that was! We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for celebrating with us as we turned 9! Without you guys, we wouldn’t have gotten this far! Now that the festivities are done, it’s time for a completely chill week before we surprise you again with something awesome!

Run Through the City and Search for the Mysterious Creatures!

[Featured] Run Through the City and Search for the Mysterious Creatures!

Heya adventurers! Before anything else, we just want to remind you that if you haven’t gotten any or some of the Anniversary rewards yet, you only until the end of TODAY! Go get ‘em now ‘coz they’ll be disappearing very soon! We got a new Event Dungeon for y’all this week that will have you running all-over the city to catch a mystery creature!

It’s Our 9th Anniversary Soon! Get Ready for an EPIC Celebration!

[Featured] It’s Our 9th Anniversary Soon! Get Ready for an EPIC Celebration!

Heya adventurers! Our actual anniversary day is still a few weeks away but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate early! So, check out more information below! But this is mostly a chill week so you can still focus your time and energy on the Varnimyr and Rigomor events – plus the anniversary events with more coming as we approach our Anniversary Day!

Get Hyped! Varnimyr & Rigomor Improvements Are HERE!

[Featured] Get Hyped! Varnimyr & Rigomor Improvements Are HERE!

Heya adventurers! After the characters have gained power, it’s time for some more improvements – but this time the improvements are for Rigomor & Varnimyr! You won’t believe it until you try but we made sure it’s easier for everyone to reach end game power! Don’t take our word for it, though – go out there and run those raids and all these newly reworked dungeons! Also, login every day for the awesome Attendance Event to get rewards daily! And as always, don’t forget to check out plenty of the new stuff we have at the Item Mall!