Heya adventurers, the ELSTAR 2 Project continues to move smoothly! We hope you continue to enjoy the fun events we’ve launched for you. Phase 2 is in preparation as we give you a Preview this week of the second wave of songs coming your way!

Straight to the Item Mall Goodies!

Lithia gets new sets of wardrobes to play with! Make a path for yourself as you choose your fated set. Feel like you’d like the maid aesthetic? Hop-on the Royal Maid hype!


Manifest the irresistible charm of dragons! Choose White Dragon: Servius Set and complete the look with Lithia’s Custom Eye: Servion Eyes, separately available at the Item Mall for a limited time!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

New Laby Ice Burners Coming Right at You!

[Featured] New Laby Ice Burners Coming Right at You!

Heya adventurers! It’s chill week as we let you finish and focus on a few current events! However, as continuation of the Party List event last week, we have a teensy thing we know you’ll love so don’t forget! Aside from that, why don’t you take a quick gander at the Item Mall to see if your Laby would love what she can find there this week!

Gather the Gang Because It’s Time to Party Up!

[Featured] Gather the Gang Because It’s Time to Party Up!

Heya adventurers! This is the week to party! Literally and figuratively! A new party mechanic will be released this week and we’d like for you to go out there, gather your friends, and see how you like this new party system! Don’t worry, you will be rewarded while having fun!

[Featured] Is Your Turkey Basting? Get Ready for a Cornucopia of Rewards!

Heya adventurers! This is going to be a fun, haul-heavy boostin’ week! Get your inventories ready for our Thanksgiving event because it’s gonna be epic! That’s all the hint we’re gonna give, so you better join us on that day to see what we have in store! And we have plenty of new and awesome stuff at the Item Mall so go ahead and take a peek when they come out!