Heya adventurers, the ELSTAR 2 Project continues to move smoothly! We hope you continue to enjoy the fun events we’ve launched for you. Phase 2 is in preparation as we give you a Preview this week of the second wave of songs coming your way!

Straight to the Item Mall Goodies!

Lithia gets new sets of wardrobes to play with! Make a path for yourself as you choose your fated set. Feel like you’d like the maid aesthetic? Hop-on the Royal Maid hype!


Manifest the irresistible charm of dragons! Choose White Dragon: Servius Set and complete the look with Lithia’s Custom Eye: Servion Eyes, separately available at the Item Mall for a limited time!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Greet the New Year with Lithia!

[Featured] Greet the New Year with Lithia!

  Heya adventurers! Happy New Year to y'all! What better way to greet the new year than with Elsword's newest addition to the El Search Party - Lithia!...