The ELSTAR 2 Project will be with us for a long while, with it comes more exclusive and limited events! Celebrate Christmas with the gang with the ELSTAR Christmas Story Event and 2024 Christmas Event.


Elsword is definitely giving y’all an exciting back-to-back holiday celebration as we build up on what’s coming as winter approaches! That said, make sure you view and pre-register for our Winter Update Preview Event to not miss out on the pre-registration rewards!

Now to the Item Mall Goodies!

More stylish fits await as the second set of songs have come out for the ELSTAR 2 Groups! Here are Costumes and Stickers for each group that I’ve scrapped for you to see!


Here’s a same of their new Custom dance as well!


Our cutie explorer is not done with updating her stylish fits! Bring smiles around the crowd with Lithia’s Christmas Party Suit!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

The Archives

Walk the Walk and Stand Out!

[Featured] Walk the Walk and Stand Out!

Heya adventurers! This week you can continue finishing last week’s events, so you’re all leveled-up and you’ve hauled in every single one of your rewards! We’ve got something Big coming soon, so you better be extra prepared to meet and fight an old foe! As always, don’t forget to check out the new Item Mall Goodies we have in store for you!

Beat the Summer Heat with the Newest Item Mall Goodies!

[Featured] Beat the Summer Heat with the Newest Item Mall Goodies!

Heya adventurers! This week is another action-packed, epic week with the Pruinaum Events continuing with more Titles, 2X Raid Drop Event and more! We also have a Special Event prepared for this week but keep your eyes peeled for that later in the week!

This is Your Last Week for EPIC Growth! Don’t Miss It!

[Featured] This is Your Last Week for EPIC Growth! Don’t Miss It!

Heya adventurers! It’s yet another week of fun and rewards! First up, we’re going for another round of GM Plays and this time we’re back at the dangerous lands of Varnimyr! Come and join your favorite GMs for this exciting dungeon run! Next up, this week will be the last week to join the fun and haul in your Growth rewards!

Get Ready for Another Exciting Week to Grow Stronger!

[Featured] Get Ready for Another Exciting Week to Grow Stronger!

Heya adventurers! We’ve got another exciting week of leveling and growing with no extra grind! It’s the easiest way to become even more powerful, we promise! Plus, we know you loved the GM Plays from last week, so for this week get ready for another fun week of running dungeons with your favorite GMs!