Another week, another set of events! Let’s continue increasing your power for the year with an Enhancement Event! Then celebrate the Lunar New Year Event along with our Magmelia Fireworks Event! A bunch of event quests to be hand and a chance to get the coveted Empire Reign and Ocean Pearl Ice Burners! Here’s a quick peek at these illustrious rewards!
Next, we have a bunch of Goodies for Lithia coming to the Item Mall!
It’s time to dress up and make a statement, be it against your enemies with the Opponent of Evil, to provide to your colleagues that being a Remote Chairman is indeed hard work, or just making sure that the Antique Library is tidy and quiet, these Costumes are here for you!
They’ll be in the Item Mall for a limited item, grab them as soon as you can and show the world what you are made of!
That’s all for now, folks~
See y’all in-game!