Look So Cute You Don’t Feel Real!

Heya, adventurers! Another week for you to focus on the Harmony Festival Event! Here’s to hoping you’re already in the midst of sweeping off all those useful rewards!

Item Mall Goodies!

Come one, come all! The Sporty Maid uniform is now up for grabs. Ready to join the sports-fest made for maids?

What’s better than costumes? Costume suits! Make Lithia wear a 5-in-1 visual with the cutest ones in Elrios!

Travel the galaxy with Space Moon Rabbit!

Or wear cuteness that transcends reality, dressed as a Stuffed Toy!

Both sets will be available at the Item Mall for a limited time!

That’s all for now, folks~

See y’all in-game!

Recent Entries:

Chill & Watch Noah’s Street Performance with Your Ominous Evil Eye!

Heya adventurers! Last week sure was a hectic event week, wasn’t it? Well, if you all know by now, after a jam-packed week we transition to a sort of chill week to let you enjoy and finish the new or on-going events before we hit you new ones! So for now, take a peek and check out what we have in store at the Item Mall for y’all!


Oh My Stars! It’s Time to Welcome Noah’s 2nd Path and Divine with the Skies!

Heya adventurers! Noah’s 2nd Path is just around the corner and it’s going to be an extra star-studded event! Check out what events and rewards we have for you this week and the following weeks because, boy, it’s gonna be another jam-packed week! And as always, don’t forget to check out the Item Mall so you can see what we have in store for you this time around!   Noah 2nd Path Event Just as the stars have divined, Noah's newest path has been opened and with his arrival, he brings in amazing rewards! Login for 30 minutes and 60 minutes respectively to get these Noah exclusive items: Noah Diorama and a Harque Ebalon Voice Speaker (90 Days)! Excited to play as Noah? Good! Because when you keep leveling up Noah from 1 to 99, you’ll get rewarded for every 10-level milestone you reach! So, go on and get this boy to MAX! But that’s not all, spend your weekends (PST) with Noah, to get a [Cobo] Sage’s Magic…


More Noah Items on the Loose! Get ‘Em While They’re Here!

Heya adventurers! It’s a pretty chill week for you this week so you can finish what y’all need before we roll out another massive update! But as a reminder, in case anyone forgot, here’s a recap: remember to log-in before the Moonlight Gala event ends! Finish that board and don’t miss the rewards that pour in at every step!


What’s That? More Noah Items Are Coming at You!

Heya adventurers! How are you loving Noah and his 1st Path? They aren’t even done yet so you can get more from his welcoming events! But for this week we’re releasing more Noah Items so he wouldn’t get left behind in the fashion department!

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