[Featured] Make This Sweet Cutie Your Newest Companion!

Heya, adventurers! It may seem like a chill week, but is it really? The exciting Harmony Festival in-game events and boosts are still going strong! But that’s not all—we’ve got even more in store for you. Don’t miss out on the fun by participating in our community events like the Harmony Festival Fireworks Event and the Harmony Music Festival Event. Show off your creativity and get a chance to snag some K-Ching! And of course, don’t forget to check out the fabulous new additions in the Item Mall this week!
Item Mall Goodies
Your newest pet, Merry, is as sweet as a strawberry! But don’t be fooled by her cute looks—she’ll take down enemies with her sugar-coated attacks!

Add even more flair to Lithia’s already fire outfits! Don’t miss out on the Elite Tailor, Abandoned Nobility, and Autumn Travels Costume Sets, available starting this week!

That’s all for now, folks~
See y’all in-game!
The Archives
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